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On the left is Mrs. Huston with long brown hair and a red blazer, on the right is Mrs. Ophüls with blond hair and a light blue shirt. On the far right is Mrs. Seyb with short, dark hair and a red T-shirt. All four are smiling and holding a picture frame with a photo of each of them in it.

About us

We are the Selbsthilfebüro

The Selbsthilfebüro Heilbronn is the central office for counseling, support and information about self-help in the city and district of Heilbronn.

Our team consists of (from left to right): Sandra Ophüls, Anna Lena Seybold (currently on parental leave) and Melanie Seyb.

Download leaflet (PDF)

For over 160
self-help groups

in the city and district of Heilbronn

  • We inform and advise on all topics of self-help
  • We place interested people in self-help groups
  • We promote new group creations and provide suitable premises
  • We support the exchange of experience among the groups
  • We offer and organize professional events, training courses, workshops and supervisions
  • We connect affected persons, experts and institutions
Illustrationen einer diversen Personengruppe, die sich angeregt unterhält
In the foreground you can see a man with white hair sitting on a chair with his back turned to you. In front of him, a woman with long blonde hair is sitting at a desk. There is a computer on the desk. The two people are in a consultation.

Financial support for self-help

Health-related self-help groups have the opportunity to have their work funded. Here you will find information and applications. 

Forms and info

On the left is a woman with long black hair. She is holding a large red puzzle piece in her hand. In the middle is a large puzzle consisting of four pieces. To the right of the puzzle is a man with dark skin. He is holding a large blue puzzle piece. The two of them are in the process of fitting the puzzle pieces onto the puzzle in the middle. This represents the four simple cornerstones of forming a group.

Spokesperson council of the self-help groups

The Spokesperson's Council aims to ensure that self-help groups are recognized and included in their activities as part of civic engagement in the city and district of Heilbronn.
It is the external representative of all self-help groups and strengthens networking between the groups.

More information